Ron Russell’s TOTUS blog has an explosive report that lifts the veil over Barack Obama’s very secretive college years that the president to this day continues to guard like Fort Knox.
Concerning the lack of media scrutiny of Obama’s college years Russell writes:
One is forced to ask why! Why the silence. The answer is both simple and frightening.
Many in the so-called MSM have had the same experiences in college that Obama had as a young man---a love affair with communism and at the very least with socialism and they see nothing unusual, nothing news worthy with Barack associating himself with communist elements while in college.
To them its the norm and not the exception.
This is their world and they cringe from revealing it to the general public. In many ways its a guarded secret, a dark side of American liberalism---this love affair with socialism and to a lesser extent communism.
John Drew, an acquaintance of Obama from his college days is interviewed in below video from The B Cast.
It’s a pretty lengthy interview but this needs to be watched to learn the truth about our president.
From The Last Tradition