Unemployment is at 10% thanks to Barack Obama’s horrid policies.
The cost of health insurance is going up all over the country despite the fact Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the President Obama promised that ObamaCare would cut costs.
Our car industry has been nationalized.
Foreclosures are at an all-time high.
Democrats across the country are singing a conservative song and don’t want to be seen with the president in public.
So what does Joshua Green of The Atlantic Online chose to write about?
Republican candidate Rich Iott running for OH-9 used to dress up as a German soldier and perform WW ll war reenactments. Green asks why is Lott dressed as a Nazi?
See story here
Nice reporting Josh.
Melissa Clouthier at Liberty Pundits says:
A Republican candidate Rich Iott running for OH-9 wakes up to a smear job by The Atlantic’s senior editor Joshua Green. Iott is a military re-enactor. He has re-enacted playing a German soldier. He’s not alone. Evidently, this is popular.
Melissa also writes:
The Democrats are the party of a dude who thought Guam would tip over, a tickler, a dude who let a woman die, a guy who had a brothel running out of his home, another guy who stored nearly 100K in his freezer, a woman who punched a DC security guard in the face, and on and on, and they’re worried about a guy who does military re-enactments. It’s not like the Left sets the bar high.
Check out Liberty Pundits here
American Power says:
Joshua Green asks:"Why is This GOP House Candidate Dressed as a Nazi?" It's a good question. It's probably not something I would do. But the candidate, Rich Iott, is a past participant in WWII military reenactments. These are quite common among history buffs. But here's the thing: If this were a Democrat candidate you wouldn't hear a peep. (I've yet to see the left's outrage for the Jerry Brown campaign's misogyny, for example.) Racism, sexism and hatred of the other? Leftists offer social justifications for them. But open season if it's a GOP candidate.
Check out American Power here
What did Barack Obama call it?
“It’s the silly season.”
Did Joshua Green cover this?
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