Videos just coming to light show the crew of the Navy aircraft carrier got an eyeful on shipboard TV: Gay slurs, suggestive shower scenes and mimicked masturbation in clips made not by some sailor run amok but by the ship's second-most powerful officer.
CBS News Correspondent Bob Orr reports that officials said privately that it's very likely Honors will not be on board as the commander of the Enterprise when the ship leaves port later this month. Honors is the star of the videos, made in 2006 and 2007.
He was executive officer - the second in command - when the videos were made. The Navy said Sunday it will investigate the "clearly inappropriate" videos shown through the nuclear-powered ship's closed-circuit television system as part of an onboard movie night.
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This is a very poor decision by the Navy that will do more harm than good.
The crew Capt Honors commands overwhelmingly supports their captain! These videos were made to be funny and help ease the stress of serving on an air craft carrier. I don’t see anything inappropriate about these videos.
This is a U.S. warship for God’s sakes, let them let off stream in any way they see fit.
Is the Navy saying Gays and Women are capable of facing bullets and bombs for their country, but crude jokes are too much for them?
This is ridiculous!
See videos here