But, as Ted Williams freely admits, “drugs, alcohol and other things came into his life…” and the God-given voice that Ted Williams was blessed with was squandered in self-destruction.
I have friends and family members with the same exact story. You can probably say the same, and multiply that through the country and we’re all interconnected by the same kind of tragedy.
Many never find their way back!
However, the road back from self inflected wounds starts with the individual who has to decide for himself or herself that enough is enough. No government program can do it for them or just throwing money at the problem will break the cycle of dependency on society.
Ted Williams had the ability all along to be a better father to his children and a better man in general. And he has finally realized that God gave him a special gift of a heavenly voice that he now gives thanks to God for on a daily basis.
We’re all beholden to God for EVERYTHING we have!
If you asked Ted, he would tell you the same.
God doesn’t make junk.
We junk ourselves.