Pay special attention to when TV anchor Shally Zomorodi comes back to the set and leans over-nice cleavage.
The Blaze reports that with April Fool’s being on a Friday this year, news of some of the day’s best pranks has been delayed. That‘s why we’re first learning about this gem today between two TV anchors, which was so “good” it led its target to stomp off set in embarrassment.
Mediaite sets up the clip:
San Diego morning show viewers were treated to [anchor Raoul] Martinez pretending to describe an amazing new iPad app that allowed users to “smell” and “taste” food right on their tablet.
Martinez demonstrated with his phone, insisting he could smell something. When [co-anchor Shally Zomorodi was handed an iPad, she failed to smell anything and her friendly co-anchor urged her to try tasting it. And she did.
Here’s the hilarious segment from KSWB