I’m not gonna spend much time on this because I already know this story will get me zip traffic.
However, let me say the NYC school children took it in the ass today, again, by the resignation of Cathie Black.
She was only at the job 3 months!
But, the teacher’s long knives came out and Cathie, who could have reformed the school system into the most respected and highest performing public school system in the country, was given the boot by the teachers union and their willing whores in the Democrat Party.
So it’s back to business as usual for a failing school systems with the highest paid public school teachers in the country.
Dennis Walcott is an African American political hack who’ll reform nothing but the blotter on his desk. That’s it!
So the next time you see an NYC public school teachers say, “…it’s about the chilfren!” They’re lying through their teeth because they don’t give a shit about the kids, only themselves.