This is a fascinating glimpse of people exercising their free speech rights. One of the Left’s favorite forms of protest is burning the American flag. They do it because they know it gets a rise out of people. But, also they hate the country anyway, so it’s no big deal for them.
They have a right to do it, although I don’t like seeing it done. This is who the Liberals are, they are the true haters of all that is decent in this country.
The Blaze reports he is featured in one of the iconic images from today’s counter-protest at LSU. A military man, wearing camouflage and a beret, screaming at flag-burning planner Ben Haas as he tries to deliver prepared remarks (courtesy of The Daily Reveille):
“My brother died for you!” he screams. “My brothers died for you! My brothers died for you! My brothers died for you! My brothers died– for you!”