President Barack Obama saw fit to authorize the release formerly classified memos concerning enhanced interrogation techniques used against captured enemy combatants.
This is sheer folly on the part of our president who fancies himself as president of the world rather than president of the United States. This is a man who swore to protect, uphold, and defend the constitution but instead he rather help our enemies.
What brilliant idea will he come up with next?
So, as a result of the public backlash from former CIA directors and Republicans, the Obama White House hastily organised a photo-op at CIA headquarters with handpicked staffers to give the appearance of adulation and support. Of course, the Main Stream Media, the propaganda arm of the Obama administration, covered the event as if President Barack Obama was a rock star. However, the vast majority of the United States have seen passed the charade and see the president for what he is, a dangerously naive former senator from the corrupt Chicago political machine.