The plan for most American families is to send our children to school to get a good education. After all, a good education can open doors to better opportunities than we had as parents. But, along the way of sending our children to school, we discovered the education system was crumbling. Graduation rates were declining with each passing year. At the same time, teaches salaries only went up and up.
Something smells rotten doesn’t it?
True be told, the lions share of blame can be laid at the fate of Teacher’s unions. They are suppose to be the frontline workers to educate students, but instead, teachers union look out for the interests of themselves alone, and the hell with your children. Oh sure, they like to prop up lies and say “It’s about the children.” But, try and see how difficult it is to fire bad teachers. Then you’ll encounter all the rules and regulations that are put into union contracts that protects all those bad teachers that are under educating our kids.
And what political party receives millions of dollars from all these teachers? You guessed it, the Democrat Party. So forget about what’s best for the children. In the world of government provided education, its all about the interests of the teachers, and the boys and girls be damned.