Right out of the Left’s playbook, the Libs continue to follow their CSI tactics
Allegedly nude pics of Carrie Prejean, Miss California, taken when she was 17 yrs old have suddenly been discovered. This is typical on how the Left treats Conservatives for speaking out and exercising their 1st amendment rights of free speech.
And for what?
All because Miss Prejean gave her opinion on an issue and they didn’t like the answer. So now they have to deconstruct Prejean by making her appear to be living a life that doesn’t match her rhetoric. What the Left never seams to understand or care to acknowledge is that we Conservatives never claim to be perfect, or even strive for perfection. In reality, the opposite is true. We Conservatives of faith are as imperfect as imperfect can be. We gladly acknowledge our failings which is why we desperately need a Savior (Christ) and we are covered by his blood for all the sins we ever committed or ever commit in the future. Of course, when you try to explain that to the Left, they look at you like you have two heads.
As a Conservative, I STILL and will continue to stand with Carrie Prejean despite these alleged photos or anything else she may have done in the past because the penalty for sins have been paid for once and for all by Christ.
“It is finished” John 19:30