Prior to the election of Barack Obama, a bomb exploded as to the real mindset of the community organizer from Chicago.
“I want to spread the wealth around,” Obama said.
There wasn’t any rubble left behind. There was no cloud of dust billowing from the spot where Obama stood. Nor a single life was lost either that day. Yet it was a mega-ton detonation just the same. But, thanks to a compliant main stream media that covered the event like wide-eyed, lovesick, teenage, schoolgirls, no examination of the impact of those seven words uttered by the Democrat nominee was put forth to the American people.
The only thing that was important was that he was young, vibrant, eloquent, attractive, Black and was not George W. Bush. That was all the press needed to know and 68 million voters bought the lie.
They were not hoodwinked or deceived.
What was on the surface was acceptable to them, and Barack Obama won the election.
Voters ware warned by voices outside the main stream media that Barck Obama wanted to take this country down a failed socialistic path. And what has been the result thus far? President Barack Obama has taken over GM and Chrysler Motors and now will decide what kind of cars the American people should drive. He has effectively taken over the banking industry and wants to decide how much all banking employees should be paid, and who gets loans and who does not.
President Obama wants to run the Health Care industry and have government bureaucrats, not doctors and patients, decide when you can see a doctor, who gets to have surgery, and how long you have to wait for service.
President Obama loves to talk about “Green Jobs’. But what he does not tell you is that so-called green energy is not economically viable and would quadruple everyone’s energy bills.
Why do you think President Obama likes to bad mouth Wall Street, Oil Companies, Hedge Funds, Big Banks, and any industry not under his thumb? Its because he wants to give the American people the false impression that government can do a much better job running these businesses.
And at all times he sells the idea with a smile and a hypnotic and melodic voice that gets the people mesmerized enough to say, “Yes We Can!”, without a clue of the ramifications that would follow.
Why would Obama do this?
He gave himself away with those 7 words. Spreading the wealth means taking from the Haves and giving it to the Hav- Nots. The wealthy become the demons in Obama’s world. Achievement is punished because not everyone gets to be rich, and you should feel guilty if you are.
This is not American!
The United States is the place where people from all over the world come and prosper. No place in the world can anyone reach the for the stars because here in this country, the sky is the limit. But it takes individual achievement to make it happen. It has to be earned with sweat and determination.
Obama hates that because he has a Leftist mentality that believes in the collective, not in individual freedom to pursue the American dream. He believes that the United States is the center of all the world’s evil because of our wealth. He lives in state of perpetual guilt because that is the way all Leftists thinks.
This is the reason why every time Obama visits a foreign country, he feels compelled to apologize, apologize, and apologize some more as if he would vomit if he hadn’t done so.
This is the real Barack Obama!
This is the self-hating American who decided to release top secret memos concerning CIA enhanced interrogation techniques of terrorists. Now, as a result of his actions, our enemies who want to kill as many Americans as they can will learn from these documents and train their Judaists operatives accordingly.
This is the real Barack Obama!
He likes to say that America has lost its moral footing because water boarding was used on terrorists. He has a problem putting water up terrorists’ noses, yet he has not met an abortion he didn’t like.
But, what he conveniently leaves out is that water boarding was used on only 3 terrorists who provided specific, actionable intelligence that helped to successfully prevent planned terrorists attacks that would have made Sept 11 look like a Sunday barbecue.
All this information was contained in the memos that Obama sought fit to release. However, President Obama, who likes to throw the word “transparency” around like he's giving away free government cheese, willfully, dishonestly, and shamelessly crossed out pertinent sections of these memorandum that showed the successes as a result of using enhanced interrogation and thus saved American lives.
This is what really lies beneath the smile and the smooth rhetoric.
Barack Obama, the first president of the United States who really hates his own country!
Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, May 23, 200