Monday 12 April 2010

Gallup Poll Obama Approval Down to 45% New Low

President Obama continues to get bitch slapped by the American people despite all his telepromptor-aided speeches.

When is the White House going to get the message that the jig is up?

Buyers remorse reigns across the country especially when it comes to all those Independents voters who got suckered by a smooth marketing campaign that sold Obama as a Centrist Democrat.

Obama is about as centrist as Fidel Castor, who by the way loves ObamaCare.

From Gallup:

On a short-term basis, Obama's latest three-day average (Friday through Sunday) is at 45%, with disapproval at 48% -- both of which are the worst three-day averages since Obama took office.

In historical context, Obama's job approval rating is slightly below where Bill Clinton was in April 1994, his second year in office, but roughly equal to Ronald Reagan's approval rating in April 1982.

Both of these presidents' political parties lost substantial numbers of House seats in the midterm elections in their second years, a historical fact that does not bode well for the Democratic Party in this fall's elections if Obama's ratings stay at their current level or go lower.

Full story

Via Gallup

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