Monday 12 July 2010

Race Hustler Jesse Jackson Performs “Maintenance” to Keep Black Folks In-Line by Accusing White NBA Owner of Having Slave Master Mentality

First let me define “Maintenance” : an act or pronouncement performed by a prominent Democrat politician or associates, Left Leaning organization or associates, or designated Race Baiter/Hustler (Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton) that reminds Black people that all Conservatives/Republicans or perceived to be Conservative/Republicans (ie Tea Party Members) are a bunch of nasty-ass racists that are responsible for the present condition (still stuck in the ‘Hood with no job and failing schools) that they’re in and that the Democrat Party are their sole protectors who has always loved them and that’s why they have to continue to vote only Democrat, despite the reality that it was the Democrats who originally enslaved them, started the KKK and terrorized them (see Sen Robertt Byrd), created Jim Crows laws, filibustered Civil Rights legislation, and generally enacted policies that has destroyed the Black family (see Lydon Johnson’s War on Poverty).

I read some other bloggers account of this story and they can’t understand how Jesse Jackson can inject race into Lebron James leaving Cleveland for Miami.

When you take into account what “maintenance” actually is and understand that it doesn’t have to make any logically sense whatsoever. The key here is for Jackson to employ speech codes that resonate with Black peoples emotions. In this case using the term “runaway slave” is all Jackson has to do to make the inference for his target audience (African Americans and other people of color) that White owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Dan Gilbert, is saying some harsh things about a Black player, Lebron James, just like those other Whites who historically used to mistreat Blacks during slavery times.

Mission accomplished!

And the group think that is pervasive throughout the Black community is perpetuated further once again by the aide of necessary “maintenance” to keep those group think gears nicely oiled.

Huffington Post

LeBron James might have left the Cavs for the Heat, but suddenly there's a lot more heat back in Cleveland.

According to the Associated Press, the Rev. Jesse Jackson is upset with an open letter written by Cleveland Cavs owner Dan Gilbert after his star player decided to move to Miami. The bitter comments directed toward the free agent sound like they're directed at a "runaway slave," according to Jackson.

Gilbert's letter, addressed to his team's fans, derided James as "narcissistic" and claimed that he "deserted" Cleveland.
The AP left messages for Gilbert, the Cavaliers, James and the NBA on Sunday night for reaction to Jackson, who said the comments in the letter "personify a slave master mentality" and that Gilbert should face a "challenge" from the league.

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