Monday 22 March 2010

Obama Care is Bad History

I usually post a report from either memeorandum or my favorite paper, the New York Post, preceded usually with a snarky or pithy comments poking fun at somebody’s expense.

But, I’m not in the mood for that at all.

The Democrats with the help of the mainstream media are puffing their chests out and extolling the virtue of landmark legislation that took over a hundred years to come to pass.

It’s historic…

It’s historic…

It’s historic…

Yeah, that may be so, but it’s very BAD HISTORY!

It’s bad history when legislation is designed to change the character of a nation from self sufficiency to entitlement.

It’s bad history to legislate away liberty in favor of statism.

It’s bad history to legislate away dignity and encourage dependency on the state.

And Liberals had the fix already in over a long period of time as they controlled our school system and they made sure to step teaching America civics and history. So when they made their final move for socialized medicine, we have literally generations of Americans who don’t even know what communism or socialism means.

It was all part of the plan.

Keep’em ignorant and happy.

Sorry, but I don’t abide with this crap!

Liberals thrive on the ignorance of people.

However, many more Americans refuse to be ignorant, or stay ignorant. And although Democrats may have gotten the government controlled health care that they always wanted, many millions of Americans have become educated despite Liberals best efforts to always shield their true intentions.

Have you noticed haven’t mentioned Barack Obama?

The reason I haven’t is because he’s insignificant. He’s just the right package at the right time for Liberals. But, there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between him, or Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson, or FDR.

He’s just a new bar of the same soap.

Wait until November…

The Last Tradition