Sunday 21 March 2010

America Dead at 233

July 4, 1776—March 21, 2010

America passed away on Sunday March 21, 2010 from complications of passing Health Care reform.

She was the glory of the entire world who for the first time in world history managed to defeat England, a superpower, for her independence.

In her very short time on earth America, through hard work, innovation and her exceptionalism grew to become the most powerful and the most generous nation in the world.
It’s the American character of hard work, initiative and free markets that set her apart.

But, America received bad news from the doctor and the diagnosis was the cancer of Liberalism. The disease grew slowly and eventually America’s character changed.

She lost her initiative and gradually the entitlement mentality that only wants somebody else to pay the freight took over. Liberals, who controlled the school system stopped teaching about America’s proud history and instead taught that America was to blame for all the worlds’ problems.

Then in 2008 while America was on life support, she elected Barack Obama who was a child of the Blame America first crowd and with his legislative pen stabbed America into becoming just another socialist democracy where initiative is punished through oppressive taxes and the do-nothings get more and more from mother government.

RIP America

She had a good run.

The Last Tradition