Tuesday 8 June 2010

Obama Don’t Like Black Pelicans

Barack Obama had no problem pointing out in great detail just how incompetent he thought George W. Bush was for his mishandling of Hurricane Katrina.

He didn’t care that it wasn’t Bush’s decision to send thousands of Black people to the Super Dome where conditions became deplorable. That decision was made by local politicos but Obama never bothered to set the record straight.

Before, April 20, 2010 when you said “Katrina” nothing else needed to be said.

It was understood by many thanks to a deceitful mainstream media that “Katrina” meant George W. Bush didn’t like Black people, or George Bush was an incompetent boob, or that George Bush lied and people died, and don’t forget those are Black faces you’re watching with tears in their eyes at Super Dome.

It was all a horrible twisting of the truth that Barrack Obama took advantage of without hesitation or apology.

But, was it all George Bush’s fault, really?

Barack Obama and the Democrats didn’t care one way or another.

But then Deep Water Horizon exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico and 50 days later, oil is still flowing in the water. But, now it’s Barack Obama sitting in the White House with his own disaster on his hands and he’s catching an attitude because he’s getting criticized by the same media that had it out for Bush.

By comparison, the media has treated Obama kindly after the first few days but as Obama flew off on vacation, attended this dinner party or that theater outing, all the while trying to say that he’s been on top of the situation since day 1, even the the Obama-boot-licking media have reluctantly become more bewildered that the man who promised to be a competent leader while standing under Greek columns, has feet of clay after all.

The explosion and subsequent oil spill wasn’t Barack Obama’s fault.

But, how he’s handled himself since then, is.

And the only thing Barack Obama knows how to do well is to be an agitator (See Sol Alinsky Rules for Radicals).

So instead of sending Navy Seals or submarines, mega oil tankers to suck up the oil, or immediately give Gov Bobby Jindall the permits he needed to build 6 sand burms, Obama sends lawyers.

Obama was being Obama.

And the same coolness that everybody loved so much about him, has suddenly become a detriment and has fallen out of favor when black-oil covered Pelicans become Obama’s version of Black people trapped in the Super Dome.

Oh the irony, or is it just superstition?