Sunday 9 January 2011

PC Police (aka Liberals/Democrats) looking to take advantage of Arizona Massacre

The Left is already starting to use the incident of the shooting in Arizona that resulted in 18 casualties of which 6 died and also involved the shooting a U.S. congresswoman Gabriella Giffords.

Vitriol was not responsible for the shooting that occurred in Arizona at the hands of Jared Lee Loughner! Such claims is always a favorite charge by the Left to silence critics on the Right.

The phenomenon known as Political Correctness was invented by the Left to prohibit the use of certain words, certain modes of thinking,or kinds of behavior to protect the sensibilities of particular groups the Left designates as needing protection.

As a result, we have less speech in this country, not more because some people are afraid to cross the artificial PC line and be accused by the Left as being a racist, a chauvinist, a homophobic, a bigot, anti immigrant, and the latest to a much longer list, Islamophobic.

Political Correctness itself is much more dangerous than any kind of freely expressed vitriolic rhetoric because when you start eliminating words, thoughts and ideas then that’s the ultimate power to control EVERYTHING!

Taken to its logical conclusion, if Political Correctness is allowed to grow unfettered and knowing how the Left hates traditional values because it may be offensive to a certain group, then its only a matter of time that words like “bible”, “Christian”, and “Jesus” become politically incorrect to say in public.

This is why our Constitution is so important and the Left has such a disdain for it because it prevents them from doing what they want.

Our speech needs to be free regardless of offense. Because when we start placing limits on it under the lie of “fairness” to others, we set ourselves up for destruction of the very foundations of which this country was built.
