Tuesday 15 March 2011

Boehner and GOP leaders not showing Scott Walker courage by failing to defund $105 billion in ObamaCare spending

If Speaker of the House John Boehner and the other GOPers in leadership think they can pussyfoot around with the Democrats and not rip $105 billion hidden in ObamaCare spending, they’ll pay dearly next election cycle.

I had my doubts about John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Mike Pence going way back to last July when they stabbed Joe Barton from Texas in the back (see Pussies-R-Us explanation).

It’s frustrating when you have gutless leaders!

But, if these guys don’t shape and do what the voters expect them to do, the ballot box will be the solution for each and every one of them.
Trust me when I tell you!

We want Scott Walker types, not cowardly lions.