Saturday 16 April 2011

Racist Orange County Republican Email: President Obama and His Parents Are Apes

Oh my God! We have racism in America!

I’m so glad we have Lefty bloggers that always seem to find the racists, especially around election time. If it wasn’t for them, I may forget to think the way I’m supposed to think about Republicans.

For those of you not hip to my intended tone, I’m being extremely sarcastic here. Now I don’t know the woman who allegedly sent out this vile email depicting President Obama and his parents as apes.

There’s nothing to defend there.

However, if you think the Left is really outraged over this incident, think again. For if the story is true, it fits nice and cozy into the Leftist template of portraying all Republicans as racists. It’s part of the same playbook as blaming the rich for stealing everyone’s money. And the impact of this story will have its desired affect in the black community.

So, Liberals throughout the country, will sip wine and cheese and hang a “mission accomplished” sign over their doorways.
Yes, we have racists in the country. But the Left is only interested in particular type of racists to fill out their blogs and throw up on YouTube.

When it came to this video of the New Black Panther Party advocating for the murder of White babies, the Left was predictably silent

Orange County Weekly reports that Orange County might be a beautiful oceanfront locale, but it's also home to Holocaust deniers, vicious anti-gay bigots and freakish big-haired televangelists.

Here, one of our Republican politicians welcomed the inauguration of the first African American U.S. president in early 2009 by sending out an email that depicted a watermelon field in front of the White House.

That incident drew embarrassing international attention, but now another Orange County Republican has apparently topped the watermelon imagery with another racist attack on President Barack Obama.

The Weekly has obtained a copy of an email sent to fellow conservatives this week by Marilyn Davenport, a Southern California Tea Party activist and member of the central committee of the Orange County Republican Party.

Under the words, "Now you know why no birth certificate," there's an Obama family portrait showing them as apes.

(Donald Trump must be elated to finally have an explanation about Obama's true birth circumstances.)

Reached by telephone and asked if she thought the email was appropriate, Davenport said, "Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black. Besides, I only sent it to a few people--mostly people I didn't think would be upset by it."

The image did upset several local Republicans.

"It's unbelievable," one high-ranking OC GOP official told me. "It's much more racist than the watermelon email. I can't believe it was sent out. I'm not an Obama fan but how stupid do you have to be to do this?"

Another GOP official, who also asked not to be identified, said that Davenport is "a really, really sweet old lady so I am surprised to hear about this."

Scott Baugh, chairman of the OC Republican Party, told Davenport that the email was tasteless, Davenport--a Fullerton-based political activist--admitted to me during the telephone interview.

"You're not going to make a big deal about this are you?" she asked me. "It's just an Internet joke."

But Baugh believes the email is a big deal.

"When I saw that email today I thought it was despicable," Baugh said. "It is dripping with racism and it does not promote the type of message Orange County Republicans want to deliver to the public. I think she should consider stepping down as an elected official."

Michael J. Schroeder, an Orange County resident and former chairman of the California Republican Party, also said he was disgusted.

"This is a three strikes situation for Marilyn Davenport," Schroeder said. "She was a passionate defender of former Newport Beach city councilman Dick Nichols who stated that he was voting against putting in more grass at Corona del Mar's beach because, he said, there were already 'too many Mexicans on the beach.' She was also on the wrong side of the fence with the Los Alamitos mayor and his White House watermelon patch picture. Now, she has managed to top both of those incidents by comparing African Americans to monkeys. She has disgraced herself and needs to resign. If she doesn't, the Republican Party must remove her."

More details here

The Lefty’s also had nothing to say when Chris Matthews made a racists comment by saying the forgot President Obama was black.

Truth be told, Liberals are every bit as racists as anyone one else because the racism they practice is the racism of low expectations and condescension of the blacks. But, they get to get away with it because many black folks are to foolishly beholden to Liberals to call it for what it is.

So, I’m just calling a spade a spade here.
