Tuesday 12 April 2011

When will women learn the “Bad Boy” they love to date can get them killed?


In New York, a young girl from Connecticut got butchered by her live-in boyfriend like she was a side of of beef.

The who, what, where, when and why of this particular story is nothing new. I suspect reading about a women getting killed by her boyfriend or husband is pretty much run of the mill. But, what always bothers me most is the same old pattern of the woman who loves to date the “bad boy”.

I’m not blaming the victim. Violence against women is disgusting. I get all that. However, what I don’t get is how women flock to the men most likely to kick their ass or slit their throat. The “good guys” are boring and they don’t get a second look by most women. So, they become addicted to the danger and the challenge of being the one woman to tame the beast.

Self preservation used to be the first order of business. But, when it comes to dating the risky dude, showing off the guy who chews glass for fun is more important than being safe and alive.