Thursday, 10 March 2011

Rep Keith Ellison’s should be removed from office because he cried in public

Before you jump on me, I’m only applying the same standard the Left was quick to put on Speaker of the House John Boehner after he cried n public. It didn’t matter to them why Boehner cried. What was at issue is that a grown man cried-period.

This is Muslim congressman Keith Ellison who broke down and cried describing a fellow Muslim first responder who died on 911.

So, I call for an immediate psychological work up of Ellison because his credibility is in question because he cried. It doesn’t matter why he was crying. But, that he cried-period and I expect the Left to hold him to the same standard.

Personally, I’m from the old school who believes a man doesn’t cry in public. But, in the age of the chic-a-fied man being the norm for America today, that’s asking too much. In my opinion, Ellison is soft-case closed!
