Thursday 11 November 2010

The Last Tradition’s response to “Being a Tutsi by Lefty Blogger Digby” Get a grip, buddy! You’re clueless!

First of all, Digby, if you’re going to use Wikipedia as a source to explain the Rwandan Genocide, then that was your first mistake in judgement.

In graduate school that would garner an immediate F grade if I tried to pass Wiki as a credible source for any topic. What happened there was much more complex that what Wiki had to provide to explain it.

So after you bore the reader to death with your long diatribe, you conclude with this

“Right wing radio is hate radio. And Glenn Beck is fucking lunatic. And they reach many millions of people every day. Will any of those people act? Well, they already have on an individual basis. But this daily ranting about the evil of liberalism and the inhumanity of liberals seems to finally be reaching some sort of critical mass in which those on the right who hear nothing but this sort of raving all day long have come to believe that liberals -- not liberalism -- must be eliminated.

I realize that we won't have teabaggers running across the countryside lopping off people's hands with machetes. But the sentiment that drives people like Beck and Limbaugh isn't all that different, even though the worst we've seen are spit spewing screamers at Townhalls and a few cases of head stomping and false arrest. So far. This cannot end well.”

Good Lord, are you serious?

Trying to equate Glem Back and Rush Limbaugh to the types of people that encouraged genocide in Rwandan is beyond ludicrous, it’s just plain irresponsible.

However, Digby, I’m glad you wrote it for millions of people to read because you end up proving Beck and Limbaugh’s point which is the Liberal mind is so worped with their own lies. They even have to lie about who they are by insisting they are Progressives.

The reason you’re so mad, Digby, is because Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh remove the Liberal veil of lies on a daily basis and shines the light of the hypocrisy, the flawed logic, the whitewashes of history, and the plain old wrongness of the Liberal view on any topic.

It’s no coincidence that Beck’s and Limbaugh’s audience are the most informed people in the country that are up on current events both here in this country and around the world.

But, Liberals rely and prey on the most ill-informed bunch of dumb asses on the planet.

People like these:

Telling the truth, Digby, because hateful rhetoric because you hate for people to hear the real deal.


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