Monday 8 November 2010

Rush Limbaugh laughs at NY Times editorial: Pelosi needed to be better Liar

At lunch time I tuned into Rush Limbaugh on the radio on my way to buy some grub, when all of a sudden I heard him having a laughing fit. Fortunately, he repeated a New York Times editorial that read as follows:

“What they need is what Ms. Pelosi has been unable to provide: a clear and convincing voice to help Americans understand that Democratic policies are not bankrupting the country, advancing socialism or destroying freedom.

If Ms. Pelosi had been a more persuasive communicator, she could have batted away the ludicrous caricature of her painted by Republicans across the country as some kind of fur-hatted commissar jamming her diktats down the public’s throat

See full article here

Now, I understood why Rush couldn’t stop laughing. Obviously, whoever wrote this editorial has a very low regard for the intelligent of the American people. The writer, with a straight face, argues that Pelosi wasn’t a good enough liar to trick the people into loving ObamaCare. Sadly, President Obama and the writer share the same delusion. They think it’s all a messaging problem, or in other words they didn’t explain O Care well enough.

They explained plenty and the people didn’t believe the lies they were selling.

In all honestly, I hope the president remains deluded right up till he’s voted out of office in 2012.

Keep it up, Barry! You’re doing fine!


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