Friday 12 November 2010

LGBT Community Tries to co-opt Bullying phenomenon with new PSA: Get a grip folks!

Message to the LGBT community: Grow up! If a teenager commits suicide, it’s their fault, not society at large!

Bullying is nothing new. The reason we seem to have more of it today is a problem of very poor parenting in this country.

If we raised our kids’ right to be respectful of others, then we wouldn’t have this problem. That’s the real issue that needs addressing.

I was teased as a kid because I wore glasses. All kids get teased for one reason or another. Its part of the maturation process and how one deals with it.

I refuse to let “these people” in the LGBT community brow beat the rest of us into thinking its somehow the collective fault of society if some Gay kid can’t hack his or hers life!

I’m sure I’ll get called Homophobic for saying this. But, guess what that’s a form of bullying me too to shut up, and I won’t, and still go on living my life!

Than you!


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