Saturday 12 February 2011

Mark Steyn calls Obama’s DNI James Clapper “an idiot! Can't be allowed out in public” Video

Yes, the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper is an idiot. But, doesn’t that beg the question who’s the bigger idiot that gave him the job?

It only goes to show that when Obama chose Joe Biden to be his VP, it wasn’t a fluke and was indeed a preview of other bad hires to come.

Hillary Clinton is a joke as secretary of state.

Napolitano, Big Sis, as director of homeland security is a boob.

Eric Holder, the attorney general won’t persecute the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation.

And the list of incompetence goes on. This is one of the most ill equipped administrations in American history.

It’s only because of the grace of God we’re still alive.

The Daily Caller reports that missing the warning signs of the Egyptian revolution is certain to subject the Obama administration to some criticism, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s public comments aren’t helping the president.

On Friday’s “America Live with Megyn Kelly,”
columnist Mark Steyn had some harsh words for Clapper, not only for the intelligence failures surrounding the Egyptian turmoil, but also for his comments that the Muslim Brotherhood as a “secular” organization.

More details here
