Monday 16 August 2010

Ben Quayle a New Conservative Star according to Liberals

I remember one time I was having a very rough week. It was a grind at work and there was no let up to my misery at home.

I couldn’t figure out what was going on. It was like I was living in the Twilight Zone.

Then one night I went to class and a classmate of mine that I barely speak with asked me how was I doing.

I said, “Brother, I’m having a very bad week.” And he said something that put everything in perspective.

“The you must be doing that right thing; otherwise the Devil wouldn’t be messin’ with you.”

I reached a new level of enlightenment!

Now let me explain the reason I tell this tale.

As a party, Republicans can’t seem to pick the best candidates. John McCain, Robert Dole and so on and so forth. However, Liberals have an excellent eye for conservative talent-better than so-called conservatives themselves.

If you want to know who are the best and scare the bejesus out of Liberals the most, look for the ones they attack the most. Sarah Palin
is at the top of the list and it explains why she’s attacked so much.

However, this weekend Liberals have officially anointed a rising star in the conservative ranks and his name is Ben Quayle

Now Ben Quayle, son of former VP Dan Quayle is one of a dozen people running for a congressional seat from Arizona. That’s a pretty crowded field and Ben isn’t a shoe-in by any means.

But, if Liberals are going through the trouble of making a spoof of Quayle’s ad when they just could have ignored him totally, should be taken as an anointing of Ben Quayle as a serious threat to Liberals and thus making him a rising star for Conservatives.

Political Wire reports that it didn’t take very long: Arizona House candidate Ben Quayle's (R) new political ad calling Barack Obama the worst president in history is now the subject of an amusing parody by Andy Cobb.Here's the video:

Pay attention GOP to the talent you have on the farm according to Liberals. They have an excellent track record.

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