Monday 30 August 2010

Glenn Beck’s Post 828 Restoring Honor Rally Interview on Fox News Sunday (Video)

Glenn Beck gives his only interview after a tremendous event attend by over 300,000 Americans. Something big is happening in this country thats scaring President Obama and the Democrats to death.

Their response?

They are misrepresenting Beck and anything that appears on Fox as racists, bigots, homophobes, sexists, Islamophobes and any other nasty epithet.

They name call because they can’t win an argument with numbers that don’t add up, ideas that have never worked anywhere in the world where they’ve been tried.

Liberalism losing because their ideas are a bunch of false academic excesses that play well on college campus, but never work in the real world.

Glenn Beck is only a man with a platform that’s resonating with America with the impact of a nuclear bomb. And his message has always been turn back to yourself and God and reclaim the country.

Liberals are peeing in their pants because the Emperor Obama never has any clothes and more and more people are noticing.

Is that Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman crying in the fetal postition?


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