Tuesday 17 August 2010

Danger Danger Will Robinson Republican Tsunami Coming in November: Gallup and Rasmussen

Oh, how Democrats are freaking out and ready to climb out on window ledges.

Facts: the honeymoon of the Obama presidency has been crushed in little tiny pieces. Democrats running for congress, the senate and state houses around the country don’t want Obama anywhere near their campaigns.

But, they’ll gladly accept any cash he can raise in safe locals.

Can you say, Mr. Toxic?

Hot Air reports that the most amazing thing about this? When Democrats tell people that voters hate the GOP as much as they hate them, they’re not blowing smoke. That’s basically true. In fact, in many polls, the Republican Party’s favorables are still lower than the Democrats’. And even so: Biggest generic ballot lead … in history. That’s how popular Hopenchange is.

The flip side of that calculus, of course: Imagine what the lead would be like if people liked the GOP.

Follow the link up top for the numbers stretching all the way back to 1946. Republicans hit 49 percent a few times during the blessed year of 1994 but not until now have they reached

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely Voters would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate, while 36% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent. Support for Republicans is up two points from the previous week, while support for Democrats dropped three points.Republicans have led on the Generic Congressional
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