Friday 13 August 2010

Dr. Laura Breaks It Down: How the Left is the Thought Police in using the word “Nigger”

That’s right I said it!


I grew up saying it to my best friends and they used it on me. It was no big deal growing up in the 70s, 80s.

But something happened around the time of the Reagan presidency. Liberals decided to co-opt the use of certain word or even say some words cannot be used anymore because it gave offense to certain people that needed to be protected.

Political Correctness was born!

Nigger became the “N word”

Homosexual became “Gay”

Anyone who used real words became labeled bigots, racists, and homophobes.

Some foolish people had mock funerals burying the “N word”. I see this as a very dangerous affront to our 1st amendments right to free speech. You see, if you can take the word “Nigger” off the table, sooner or later the word “Jesus” and “Christian” will be next in line.

Cross ref Memeorandum Left Coast Rebel Media Matters

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