Saturday 28 August 2010

Bob Herbert of NY Times Attacks Glenn Back’s 8 28 Restoring Honor Rally Before It Happens

Affirmative action case, Bob Herbert, used to write for the New York Daily News. He wasn’t much of a writer when I was growing up and now that he’s at the NY Times proves to me that the Left sure does takes care of their own.

Talent and merit need not apply in Bobby’s case.

This is how Mr. Herbert started his column from yesterday’s Times that was written before Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally.

America is better than Glenn Beck. For all of his celebrity, Mr. Beck is an ignorant, divisive, pathetic figure. On the anniversary of the great 1963 March on Washington he will stand in the shadows of giants Abraham Lincoln and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Who do you think is more representative of this nation?

There are several things going on here beyond the typical Liberal knee-jerk reaction by the Left to attack and misrepresent Glenn Beck.

The first thing you have to understand about Bob Herbert is that he’s fulfilling his role as a house Negro for the Left and the Democrat Party.

What he writes is always meant to deceive Black people and keep them in the dark by not only denouncing Glenn Beck, but anybody or anything that appears on the Fox Channel.

The standing unwritten, unsaid, but very much understood order given by the Democrat Party to their 21st century “overseers” which include not only Bob Herbert at the NY Times, but also Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post, Cynthia Tucker at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and syndicated radio personality Michael Baisden and others is to vilify anything that appears on Fox.

If you’re really “Black” in America you’re not suppose to watch Fox and if you do you’re not suppose to believe anything that appears on it because they’re a bunch of nasty-ass racists that want President Barack Obama to fail.

However, for Blacks that fail to get the message and do watch Fox are immediately attacked by fellow African Americans and thusly called Uncle Tom, Aunt Thomasina, and other vile epithets meant to bring those people back on the mental plantation.

Sounds silly?

Yes it is, but that’s the socialization in the hood and it’s been effective.

This is what the Democrat party desperately needs to do to maintain a 95% and up voter rate among Blacks.

People, hate to hear it, but its true.

This video was taken before Obama was ever elected and he knew that Fox was the only news organization on television that actually reported the news as oppose to the other news outfits that openly advocated for Obama and his policies.

This is what’s going on beneath Herbert’s writings.

Herbert also wrote, “Jerald Podair, a professor of American studies at Lawrence University in Wisconsin, has called Aug. 28, 1963, “the most important single day in civil rights history.” This is the historical legacy that Glenn Beck, a small man with a mean message, has chosen to tread upon with his cynical rally on Saturday at that very same Lincoln Memorial.”

Also he added: “He [Beck] is an integral part of the vicious effort by the Tea Party and other elements of the right wing to portray Mr. Obama as somehow alien, a strange figure who is separate and apart from — outside of — ordinary American life."

I got to hand it to Brother Herbert. He does his job well to keep his seat at the table in order to lap up some crumbs the Left throws his way, like working at the Times despite his marginal writing skills.

Notice the speech codes Herbert used: “mean message” “cynical rally” ‘tea party” and “right-wing”

All these keywords are meant to send an overt message to his peeps in the hood, er… well…those that read the Times anyway, that nothing worth your while can come from the mouth of Glenn Back.

But, like I said earlier, I’m familiar with Herbert’s work from back in the day because I grew up in New York reading his columns for their comedic value.

There have been plenty of times over the years I relied on Herbert to find out what’s the wrong side of an issue.

Let me tell you, the brother did not disappointment.

So, what was this so-called mean message Herbert warned his Times readers about before the event actually took place?

According to Herbert it’s a mean message when Glenn Beck said America needs to turn back to God.

It’s a mean message when Glenn Beck suggested that Americans should tithe (for the biblically illiterate like Herbert: that means giving 10% of your salary) to their churches, synagogues or mosques.

It’s real mean message, again according to Herbert for Glenn to ask Americans to go down on their knees to pray.

I watched the entire event for myself on CSPAN.

Not that I needed Bob Herbert’s advice because I learned over 20 years ago that the brother brings very very little to the table.

Watch for yourself and don’t even take my word for it.

But, if you think it’s a mean message to hear references to “Jesus”, “The Lord” , “God” or references to the book of Ezra, you might think you’re watching a religious event.

In fact, it wasn’t a rally at all but a revival for America to get back to her faith roots and not be ashamed to do so if she wants God to continue to bless her!

Is that a mean message?

Let me ask you, who’s the bigger fool?

Bob Herbert or the one who believes him?

I will post videos from the event when they become available.

UPDATE: Here's a sample of a mean message by the niece of Martin Luther King who spoke at the rally.


That sounded pretty mean huh, Bobby?

This is the how the rally began and let me warn you again, it’s pretty damn mean message so says Bob Herbert.

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