Tuesday 10 August 2010

In Texas Obama Raises Cash But Dem Candidates Avoid Him Like the Black Plague

Just give us the cash, Barack! But, stay the hell away from me! That is the good to honest truth of how toxic President Barack Obama has become across the country.

When you shove ObamaCare down America’s throat, what else do you expect?


The New York Daily News is reporting that President Obama campaigned in Texas Monday the way many Democrats want him to these days: raising money early and staying clear of races where he could hurt his party.

The President raked in $1.7 million for his party at events in Austin and Dallas, but when the Democrat running for governor in Texas opted against appearing with him, it trained a spotlight on the President's radioactivity for many of his own.

Former Houston Mayor Bill White's aides said the candidate simply had commitments to campaign elsewhere.

The White House tried to brush the snub off.
"He thinks that candidates should make their own decisions about how best to spend their time. He definitely does not take that as an insult," said White house spokesman Bill Burton.

"I think that there has never been a President in the history of this great country who has been wanted by every single candidate across the country to come and campaign for them ... he's come to grips with that, it's a historic fact of life," Burton added.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex.) said there was no bad blood between Obama and her friend White.

"Having been a candidate, I know how it is to campaign everywhere," she said. "There is no divide as relates to the respect they have for each other. We're all carrying a heavy load."

All indications are Obama has kicked into campaign mode, and aides say his message will be keeping his promises - and keeping Republicans who wrecked the economy out of power.

"We have spent the last 20 months governing. They spent the last 20 months politicking," Obama said, taking a swipe at Republicans in remarks to donors.
Full story


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