Wednesday 11 August 2010

Harry Reid the Noble Racist

As a Latino and strong Conservative, I won’t say I was personally offended by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s recent comments when he told Latinos on the campaign trail, "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, okay. Do I need to say more?"

I’m not offended, but Hispanics in Navada and across the nation should be!

They should be offended because Reid is doing exactly what all Denocrats do to Latinos and Blacks come election time, crack the “mental plantation” whip that keeps Latinos in line.

You see, according to Harry Reid’s mindset, Latinos are an inferior group that cannot achieve anything for themselves without the help of the government or the Democrat Party.
You can call it the "racism of dependency and low expectations". White Democrats get to practice this type of racism with impunity only because Latinos and Blacks let them get away with it.

These types of comments by Reid and other Democrats will continue because they know it works with the target audience.

So as a Latino who voted for Ronald Reagan, I ask my fellow Latinos and Blacks, how long will you continue to support a party that expects nothing from you except your votes to keep their party afloat? A party that says to you through lies and deception that they are your only protectors and hide their true history of being the original enslavers of Black people.

How long will you succumb to “group think” that perpetually ties you to one party from birth simply because of the color of your skin?

Can you really call that freedom or is it slavery?

Cross Ref Another Black Conservative Weekly Standard Memeorandum

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