Saturday 14 August 2010

CNN Poll: Nearly 70% of Americans Oppose Ground Zero Mosque

Let me remind you folks that this is a CNN poll, so the numbers are probably significantly higher.
That’s how much President Obama is out-of-step with the American people.

This is not a freedom of religion issue as Democrats so desperately try to portray. There are over 20 mosques in New York City.

But, the community of lower Manhattan and the 911 families don’t want a Victory Mosque built near sacred ground. And as this poll shows, America agrees with them!

The Hill reports that a large majority of Americans oppose the construction of a mosque near the Ground Zero site in lower Manhattan, according to a poll released Wednesday.

The CNN/Opinion Research survey showed that 68 percent oppose the plan to build the mosque, compared to 29 percent who favor it.

Several Republicans in Congress have called for an investigation into the funding sources for the proposed Cordoba House, which will stand two blocks from Ground Zero. Members are worried that some money for the large facility comes from organizations with ties to Islamic extremists.

Other lawmakers, such as New York Rep. Pete King (R), have said that the construction of the mosque is insensitive in light of its location, the site of the 9/11 terror attacks perpetrated by members of al Qaeda.

A majority of all political groups polled oppose the mosque. Forty-three percent of Democrats support it and 54 percent say they are opposed. Eighty-two percent of Republicans are against the mosque, as opposed to just 17 percent who support it.

A whopping 70 percent of independents are against the mosque, compared to 24 percent who support it.

Backers of the mosque say that blocking its construction would violate constitutional protections of religious freedom. The Cordoba Initiative, the group behind the project, says it wants to use the center to promote a peaceful brand of Islam.

Still, a number of groups, including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), have come out against it.
Full story

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