Monday 30 August 2010

Why is MSNBC Losing Viewers in Droves?

One of the reasons is Ed Schultz.

It’s an open secret within the cable industry that Schultz has a bigger man crush on Barack Obama than even Chris Matthews. However he isn’t as articulate as Matthews or even Keith Olberman which why whenever Schultz is outmaneuvered on a debate, and that pretty much happens on a daily basis, he screams and insults people.

Although that may impress some hardcore Liberals who are some of the most ill-informed people in the country, for other people with a modicum of common sense, they recognize Schultz for what he is.

That’s why Fox ratings beats MSNBC and CNN combined day in and day out in every time slot.

People want honest reporting, not cheerleaders for the president and the people of this country are voting with their TV remotes.

I think I have more readers of my blog than Ed Schultz has viewers.

Some of Ed Schultz greatest hits.

Ed Schultz speaking at Al Sharpton’s 828 Counter Rally where a couple of hundred people showed up.

Ed Schultx going psycho on a caller.

Ed Schultz saying he would cheat in an election

He’s pretty good for a laugh, but otherwise there’s not much to the man


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